Updated On:
January 24, 2020
The Parish Council has arranged for a training session on its new community defibrillator on Saturday 22nd February.
If you would like to attend the session please contact the clerk on clerk.hmpc@gmail.com.
The session will be held in the Old Lion at 10.30am on Saturday 22nd February and last about 90minutes. If you would like to attend please contact the clerk - places are limited, but further sessions will be arranged later in the year. The training is designed to give you confidence to use the machine - but you don't need training to use the machine as it is automated. In an emergency first ring 999 - they will give you the code to open the box and remove the defibrillator. It is essential that you ring 999 before going to the box to get the code - and the 999 operator will also send a paramedic or ambulance to the site of the incident.